Prettyshady Four

Prettyshady 4, 2007? at times a bad video, with some good clips.

Prettyshady 3 was pretty close to the ‘perfect’ video I wanted to create. prettyshady 4 in that case I could be more free in my creativity. For the worse sure but it was fun to make. Its a bad video, its not diverse enough and relies on too few riders and not enough spots.

My life was unadventurous and I could have done more with 2007. It was basically centered around ‘nightlife’. I woke up in an ambulance on the moterway in september after a bmx crash and that’s the day I quit bmx. Since then I only rode with if friends were doing something good, and my bmx never returned to england.

01 – – Intro, both liam and scott do switch foot 360’s here. Its an odd section, first trick is a one foot no hander (suicide style), the musics weird, its trying to be a suprise.

02 – – A german rider named folker. he spent the winter at peynier.

03 – – greoux were perfect, but we arrive in early spring and they had just that morning finishing dialling in a line. No one had done a single jump yet. Liam and scott helped test and then had a good session with everyone. I can’t remember riding, don’t think I did. The best section on this video imo.

04 – – nothing really happens in this section at all. its bad.

05 – uploading – yacine, he got better after this section so this looks a bit dated compaired to his best riding.

06 – – austria. A wet king of dirt event. another bad section

07 – – some smoothness and typical peynier action. filmed watering and the daily stuff too.

08 – uploading – bugs and the big line is peak prettyshady 4.

09 – – a sectino with not riding at all! ha! I don’t remember this day at all.

10 – – fun peyneir sessions with the english crew! spring time sun, fun jumps.

11 – – typical final section

12 – – just some holiday footage, none bmx bmx.

13 – – me making a cake and eating it. I’m not even going to upload it.

14 – – – typical left over footage / funny clips section.

15- – alois, a wonderful section. Not included in the main video because that line is a backbone to the whole video and I could not have the same jumps the whole way through the video.

16 – – went went to a dirt jump contest by a bmx track in france. liam riding with peyneir locals.

17 – – none riding nonsense.

18 – – myself ridign peynier.

19 – – montage!

20 – – ‘end credits’ made in movie maker again.